Téléchargez gratuitement les sons de la NASA – Apollo Discovery planète Mars

telechargez gratuitement les sons de la NSALa NASA met à disposition gratuitement une série de sons issus de ses archives et de ses captations sonores. 

Plusieurs dispositifs sont proposés sur le thème de l’Espace et de l’aéronautique.

Certains sont à écouter, d’autres à télécharger pour la sonnerie de vos smartphones, d’autres sont à télécharger pour en faire ce que vous voulez.

La NASA sur Soundcloud

Explorez l’univers et découvrez notre planète à travers une collection de sons provenant de vols spatiaux historiques et de missions actuelles.

Sonneries pour smartphones – Vous pouvez entendre le rugissement d’un lancement de navette spatiale ou “Un petit pas pour un homme, un grand pas pour l’humanité” de Neil Armstrong.

Ecoutez aussi les mots mémorables «Houston, nous avons eu un problème», chaque fois que vous faites une erreur sur votre ordinateur.
Pour découvrir c’est ici

Les sons courts à télécharger

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de sons à télécharger pour un usage personnel et non commercial.

Décomptes avant le décollage de navettes, commentaires des astronautes, son d’un séisme de magnitude 3,3 provenant du sismomètre d’InSight, ou encore les vibrations causées par le vent martien…

Pour y accéder, il vous suffit de cliquer sur les liens, d’écouter. Pour télécharger utilisez les petits points à droite du lecteur. Le format du son est indiqué dans la liste. Bon voyage spatial !


Discovery – APU shutdown
Discovery – Computers are in control
Discovery – Go at throttle up (1)
Discovery – Go at throttle up (2)
Discovery – Go for deploy
Discovery – Good Picture of Steve
Discovery – Houston Discovery
Discovery – Houston Discovery 2
Discovery – How do you read
Discovery – Lookin’ at it
Discovery – MECO
Discovery – Nice to be in orbit
Discovery – On its way to orbit
Discovery – Press to ATO
Discovery – Roger roll
Discovery – STS-26 Liftoff
Discovery – STS-41D Liftoff
Discovery STS-131: Sound of Launch
Discovery – Vector transfer
Discovery – Wheelstop
M4R (iPhone)
Discovery – APU shutdown
Discovery – Computers are in control
Discovery – Go at throttle up (2)
Discovery – Go at throttle up (1)
Discovery – Go at throttle up (2)
Discovery – Go for Deploy
Discovery – Good Picture of Steve
Discovery – Houston Discovery
Discovery – Houston Discovery 2
Discovery – How do you read
Discovery – Lookin’ at it
Discovery – MECO
Discovery – Nice to be in orbit
Discovery – On its way to orbit
Discovery – Press to ATO
Discovery – Roger roll
Discovery – STS-26 Liftoff
Discovery – STS-41D Liftoff
Discovery – STS-131: Sound of Launch
Discovery – Vector Transfer
Discovery – Wheelstop

Shuttle and Station

STS-1: We’re Going to Dust it Off First
STS-7: That Was Definitely an E-ticket!
STS-26: Liftoff
STS-41D: Liftoff
STS-131: Sound of Launch
STS-132: Shuttle Gear Drop
STS-135: Countdown to Launch
STS-135: Launch Commentary
STS-135: Landing Commander Comments
STS-135: Landing Comments

M4R (iPhone)

STS-1: We’re Going to Dust it Off First
STS-7: That Was Definitely an E-ticket!
STS-26: Liftoff
STS-41D: Liftoff
STS-131: Sound of Launch
STS-132: Shuttle Gear Drop
STS-135: Countdown to Launch
STS-135: Launch Commentary
STS-135: Landing Commander comments
STS-135: Landing Comments

Apollo and Mercury

Apollo 8: Merry Christmas
Apollo 11: We Have a Lift-Off
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed Extended
Apollo 11: That’s One Small Step for (a) Man
Apollo 12: Cardiac Sim
Apollo 12: All Weather Testing
Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve Had a Problem
JFK: Return Him Safely to Earth
JFK: We Choose the Moon with Apollo 11 Launch
JFK: We Choose the Moon
Mercury 4: Clock Started
Mercury 6: Zero G
Mercury 6: God Speed
Mercury 7: Liftoff
Mercury 7: Fireflies
Mercury 7: Guaymas Greeting
Mercury 9: Astronaut Cooper Comments

M4R (iPhone)

Apollo 8: Merry Christmas
Apollo 11: We Have a Lift-Off
Apollo 11: Eagle has Landed
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed Extended
Apollo 11: That’s One Small Step for (a) Man
Apollo 12: Cardiac Sim
Apollo 12: All Weather Testing
Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve Had a Problem
JFK: Return Him Safely to Earth
JFK: We Choose the Moon with Apollo 11 Launch
JFK: We Choose the Moon
Mercury 4: Clock Started
Mercury 6: Zero G
Mercury 6: God Speed
Mercury 7: Liftoff
Mercury 7: Fireflies
Mercury 7: Guaymas Greeting
Mercury 9: Astronaut Cooper Comments


Atlas V: Launch
Cassini: Enceladus Sound
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #1
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #2
Juno: Morse code “HI” received from Earth
Kepler: Star KIC12268220C Light Curve Waves to Sound
Kepler: Star KIC7671081B Light Curve Waves to Sound
LCROSS: Water on the Moon Song
SOFIA Takeoff Audio
Stardust: Passing Comet Tempel 1
Voyager: Interstellar Plasma Sounds
Voyager: Lightning on Jupiter

M4R (iPhone)

Atlas V: Launch
Cassini: Enceladus Sound
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #1
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #2
Juno: Morse code “HI” received from Earth
Kepler: Star KIC12268220C Light Curve Waves to Sound
Kepler: Star KIC7671081B Light Curve Waves to Sound
LCROSS: Water on the Moon Song
Stardust: Passing Comet Tempel 1
Voyager: Interstellar Plasma Sounds
Voyager: Lightning on Jupiter

Beeps and Bytes

Chorus Radio Waves within Earth’s Atmosphere
Courtesty of Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) team at the University of Iowa
Quindar: Sound #1
Quindar: Sound #2
Sputnik: Beep

M4R (iPhone)

Chorus Radio Waves within Earth’s Atmosphere
Courtesty of Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) team at the University of Iowa
Quindar: Sound #1
Quindar: Sound #2
Sputnik: Beep

Sounds of the Future

SLS Test Fire
M4R (iPhone)
SLS Test Fire

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